6 Tips for Scoring Big at Consignment Sales


 Who doesn’t love a good bargain? The season of bargains is upon us my friends, and I am


Two of my favorite things packed into a few short months!

Consignment sales and Clearance Racks!

Stores will be purging their winter lines and making room for spring wardrobes to display. This means big savings for consumers.

Clearance racks are usually a gold mine this time of year!

Consignment sales offer a different approach. Here you will find gently loved children’s clothes that can be purchased at a fraction of the retail price. As quickly as kids go through clothes, this is a deal like no other!

In this two part blog post I want to offer you some tried and true trips on making the most out of consignment sales. The first being how to make the most money as a consignor, and the second, how to score big on clothing deals at the sales.

Today I will be sharing with you how to maximize your dollar at these sales.


1: Always go to discount day.

Generally consignment sales offer a discount day (usually 1/2 off) on the last day of the sale. Usually at worst you will find some well loved clothes suitable for daycare and park visits. At best you find a gold mine. Lots of first time sellers tend to mark their prices too high the first go round. That means a good portion of the clothes left on the rack are super cute and in good condition, but overpriced, so they get put back. However, on discount day, that cute outfit that was $10 becomes $5 and a much more reasonable deal. Half-price days are my favourite. However, a big tip to you…get there early! You aren’t the only mom looking to stretch a buck.

2: Shop good sales twice.

Yes, I said twice. Yes, I know you are probably a busy mom with a jam packed schedule and making time for one sale alone is a big deal. However, hear me out. Like I mentioned before, discount days can be gold mines. However, that doesn’t mean they are the only deals to be found. Most of the good deals will be picked up early. Shopping twice allows you to score twice AND gives you a sneak peek of what to expect at the discount sale. For example, last consignment I scored Matilda Jane leggings for $5 a pair. Any of my fellow MJ fans know that this is a steal. I also spotted an adorable Gymboree outfit that was overpriced at $12. However, since I’d already seen it, I knew to scoop it up first thing on discount day. This is why arriving early is key!

3. Shop lots of sales.

This again, is time consuming, but if you want a cute seasonal wardrobe for your kid at a bargain price, it’s essential. I am usually pretty picky with my clothes. I like outfits that are put together for me and I don’t buy alot of separate pieces. Unless it’s something my kid is wearing to preschool, I want great condition outfits, that don’t have alot of wash wear. Hence I’m willing to commit to a few more sales to stock her wardrobe.

4. Volunteer or Consign.

Volunteers and consignors often get special perks, like early access to the sale, or even discount days. Sometimes if you are lucky, you can even score a pass for a buddy! Consigning also gives you the additional benefit of putting money back in your pocket. Volunteers sometimes even get additional perks beyond what the consignor does. For example, the earliest access of all to the special sales. This does vary from sale to sale.

5. If you can, leave the kids at home.

This one should be a no-brainer. Shopping with kids at a consignment sale is no more fun than shopping with kids at any other store. Only, consignment sale shopping takes a bit longer as there is so much to go through. Plus, people consign a boat-load of toys. If you have to, I highly recommend technology or bribery. I am not above either. My kid has been to many a sale with an electronic device in hand. I have also set a pre-determined price and let her pick a toy that she must behave to earn (this works well on discount days).

6. Find a consignment sale buddy.

This one isn’t essential but makes it alot more fun! You also have two sets of eyes looking out for you. My friend and I know each others tastes in clothing and pull out clothes we think the other would like. Or if one can’t make it to a sale and another can, and we spot something the other might like, we grab it for them. And of course you have an instant lunch or dinner date after!

Obviously, there are no hard and fast rules for scoring big at a consignment sale. These are just a few tips acquired through years of practice. If you have your own or discover new ones, please share in the comments!



7 thoughts on “6 Tips for Scoring Big at Consignment Sales

  1. Lexi

    Love these tips!! There’s a local consignment event here and when I went with my friend we were able to help each other find the deals! Consignment sales are the best!


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