If you’ve taken one things from all the Pinterest changes lately, it should be that followers are key.
Your followers and what they pass on is the key to your success with Pinterest. So of course you want to know…
How do I grow my following on Pinterest?
I converted my personal Pinterest account to my business account in March. I’ve been trying to find a way to find the exact numer of followers I had to start – but haven’t been able to find any way to track it. I currently use Tailwind and am able to track my gain since starting with them.
However, to the best of my recollection – back in March I started with about 350 followers. Since then, in 3 short months I have over tripled my followers to 1700. In the last 30 days alone, I’ve gained over 500 followers.
So obviously this has factored into my overall growth on Pinterest. In March I had a meagar reach of 7,000 and my current reach is over 400,000 monthly viewers and growing. My personal goal is to be at 1 million viewers by the end of October, and I’m exploring different strategies to help me get there.

So today, I’m going to share with you the exact things I did to grow my Pinterest Following. It’s really not as hard as you may think.
Pin great stuff
Of my original followers, many of them were people I didn’t even know. My Pinterest account is really old, and I have always been an active pinner. Organically I gained a lot of followers who liked what I was pinning. Each week I gain a minimum of 5-10 followers this way. On weeks where I am super actively pinning, sometimes a good bit more. I also find that pinning a bunch of trending pins gets more eyes on my profile, Hence bringing me new followers.
Add follow tabs on your blog.
Be sure that your readers are easily able to find your social media follow tabs. I put mine front and center on my blog so they are one of the first things my readers see. I also make them a little larger than the standard ones because I want them to stand out.
There are lots of different plug-ins to help you do this. Some put them at the top and the bottom, some offer floating pop up boxes. There are tons of different ways you can do it.
Additionally, you should be sure to include these on your about me and contact page. If someone takes enough interest in you to read your about me page, there’s a good chance they think you’re awesome enough to follow on Pinterest!
Add a link to your board in relevant posts.
I have several different series on my blog and I find it easy to incorporate a link to my Pinterest board into my posts. I do believe that these bring me a few followers a week, if not more.
I have found that linking my resources in my preschool lesson plans, as well as linking my inspiration boards in craft tutorials, has worked well with my readers. It is helpful for them to have access to a whole other library of resources I’ve saved, all with the click of a button.
I wouldn’t try and hapharzardly throw them in every post. I don’t think they would work well with some topics, but the beauty of this is that you know your audience and have full discretion to use them as you see fit!
Create group boards
This is one is one I sort of accidentally figured out. When I got into scheduling my pins with Tailwind, I created a decent amount of group boards. I had seen what a struggle it could be to get in some others and I wanted to help other bloggers out, after finally having a little success of my own.
As I’d seen other bloggers do, I made following me a requirement of becoming a member. I posted in a few Facebook groups got a few followers, and forgot it. But what was crazy is that people started seeking me out, by searching for group boards on Pinterest. To this day I get requests pretty much daily to join my group boards. And with it, I gain new followers as well!
Utilize Facebook promo threads
This is a necessary evil in a beginning bloggers world. It’s like paying your dues. If you join the blogger Facebook groups, you’ll find you have lots of access to weekly follow threads. Jump in on as many of those as you can. It’s a quick relatively easy way to gain a handful of new followers. New people join these groups weekly so your audience can grow and expand as the group does.
These simple steps have helped me grow my Pinterest & my reach exponentially. As I modify my Pinterest strategy in the coming weeks, I hope to attract even more followers! Stay tuned, as I will share the results of that once I have data to share!