Surprise!!! This entire series has recieved a total overhaul in 2023! I’ve added craft templates and free worksheets in hopes of making your life easier!
You’re a busy Mama.
To be honest I’m impressed that you’re here! It’s hard enough to find time to balance the juggling act that is parenthood, let alone attempt the task of teaching your child to learn their letters.
Believe it or not, there are lots of parents who don’t do this with their children, and lots of children who get no pre-k experience at all. So you my friend, are most certainly giving your child an educational headstart.
Kindergarten today is a different world than kindergarten when we were children. The skills needed before starting kindergarten are worlds apart from when we were children. If your child does not cannot recognize their letters when they start kindergarten, they will likely be playing catch-up already, and perhaps for the whole year.
I speak from experience, as a veteran elementary school teacher. I taught for 10 years, mostly kindergarten, often a kindergarten/first combination class. I only stopped teaching when my 2nd child was born and daycare for two cost almost as much as my whole check.

Photo by White Rust Photography. Cute, but uncooperative kids, made by us.
In addition to being able to teach elementary education, I have a MA.Ed in Reading Education K-12. Reading is kind of my jam and I geek out a little sometimes, so I apologize in advance. But I am truly passionate about teaching kids to read, and that’s why this little series and the complete reading series that follows, are truly a labor of love for me.
If this is your first time visiting me, it would be wise to check out my post introducing the series. It’s not a long read, and it explains the best practices to teach this series and a reason why flashcards are essential to this!
Want to grab all the lesson plans in one file?
Scroll down to the end of the series links and I’ll tell you how! Or check them out individually by clicking on the links below!
Letter of the Week Lesson Plans
Don’t forget to pin this post so you can find it later. Also, be sure to read to the end to find out what comes after you teach your child all their letters and sounds!
The Ultimate Package
I know clicking each link to download can be a bit time consuming, so I condensed them all into one big ole’ PDF file, and also created a bunch of bonus worksheets and assessments.
The assessments are to measure progress throughout your journey. These worksheets are purposefully made out of ABC order to ensure a child can recognize letters out of ABC order. Additionally I made the sheets with different fonts, so your child will be able to recognize various formats of the letter.
These resources are available with my the entire letter of the week series lesson plan in my TpT store, for dirt cheap y’all. This series has been months in the making, and as you know the lesson plans are completely free for download in the blog links, but I’d thought I’d offer some more resources and price them for people like me on a Dollar Tree kinda budget. Because let’s be honest…I’ve got bills myself. Inflation is real and every little bit helps!
But again, you can grab it here for less than the cost of a dinner at McDonald’s! I wanted to keep the option of free because I get it. Not everyone has any wiggle room in the budget. I’ve been there any understand that!
If you are able to purchase, I’ve given you some great extra resources, and you get the instant karma boost that comes with helping a stay at home Mama, support her family!
That’s my sale pitch y’all! Born salesman I am not, but I can teach you to teach your kid to read!
What comes next?
Also, if you’re wondering what comes next, I’ve got you Mama! I’ve been busy creating an entire curriculum that will teach you how to teach your child to read. Here’s what else I’ve got to offer, my friend! There are tons of freebies included! Be sure to check them out and bookmark them all!!
Print Concepts and Reading Behaviors – the crucial step you might be missing!
3 part series on teaching sight words:
- The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Sight words
- 20 Fun and Unique Ways to teach Sight words
- Free Sight Word Lesson plan ideas
Teaching with Beginning Reading Strategies series
***Coming soon*** Teaching blending and segmenting with word sorts
And don’t forget to to check out the free weekly theme units I’ve created also. There will be more to come in the future, but they will be sporadic, as my long term focus is offering you a complete reading curriculum which will allow you to teach your child to read! So sign up for that newsletter, follow me on Facebook, and check out some more freebies below!
Weekly Theme Units