This year’s birthday party theme may have had me a little giddy with excitement.
It’s a party theme I myself would’ve loved as a young girl. So when both my daughters agreed to a unicorn birthday party, I hoped on Pinterest and started brainstorming ideas immediately!
The result was a sweet and magical unicorn party that was a fun as it was cute! And today I’m sharing all my DIY projects (with printables!) and even many of my party printable files (for FREE!). Be sure to pin this one for later! You’re going to want to re-visit it time and time again!
Unicorn Party Invitation
From the day we decided to go with a unicorn themed party I envisioned their birthday photoshoot. I just knew I had to find a pony we could make-over into a unicorn. We didn’t have any luck finding a white pony, but we did find this super sweet pony who was perfect for the job.
Of course these pics were the center of their invitations. I tried to select fonts and colors to match the whimsical style of the pictures. I also made an invitation for family and family friends, that included them both on it.
If you are interested in these designs, be sure to visit my Etsy store, where you’ll find the invite here. It perfectly compliments the free printables you’ll find in this post!
Birthday Party Venue
This year we went back our tried and true favorite for birthday parties, the girls gym. It has a huge open space with tons of activities for all ages. We knew this years’ party would be bigger, with it being a combined party, and the girls getting older. We couldn’t have imagined how much bigger though. We had a total of 31 kids show up! Luckily the gym easily accommodated them all, and made for a wild afternoon full of flips and fun!
Unicorn Birthday Outfits
For the girls actual birthday photo shoot, I scoured the internet looking for those super cute unicorn dresses I’d seen popping up in my newsfeed. I’d seen them on Etsy, but it seemed to be hit or miss with the quality and they were a little too expensive. Luckily I stumbled across a buy-in group that was selling them and scored them for $20 each! The quality of these is amazing! They are hand beaded and worth every penny! I’ll be holding on to these sweet dresses for my girls to share with their children one day!
I also made them a precious unicorn crown to go with their dresses. It was super easy! Check out my tutorial for how to make it here!
I also knew these dresses weren’t for rough and tumble play, so I ordered some white Unitards on Amazon and customised them for the party. These were a huge hit and continue to be the girls favorite leotard for gymnastics.
Unicorn Birthday Party Food
My friend made the adorable unicorn cake and cupcakes. I found the unicorn set for the cake and the pieces for the cupcakes on Amazon. The cupcakes were very easy to assemble.
I picked up the plates at Party City (but also saw them on Amazon). As the RSVPs for this party kept rolling in, I decided to buy coordinating colors of pink and purple to save a few bucks.
Finding the typical cutesy themed birthday party food was a little harder for unicorns. I found a few cute ideas that required me to cook – and those were immediately forgotten – this Mama ain’t got time for that!
So I settled with a few themed foods including Unicorn Horns (Bugles), Unicorn Munch (a mix of the Kelloggs Unicorn cereal, colored marshmallows and melted white chocolate, and Unicorn Bites ( pineapple cream cheese tea sandwiches, with the filling dyed pink and purple with food coloring). If you’d like to use my food tents, you can download them here. I also included some blanks in case you come up with your own themed cuteness (be sure to share in the comments).
We also had the rather “un-themed” cheese and cracker tray, a vegetable and fruit tray, and of course cheese doodles, because, what kid doesn’t love cheese doodles?
For drinks we made a Pink punch (Prancing Pink Lemonade), and added a ton of water bottles to a tin which I decorated with a Unicorn Watering Trough Design I threw together with my Silhouette (the unicorn itself is available in the Silhouette Store).
To help you out, I’ve linked a few of these products here on Amazon! Doesn’t get easier than delivery to your door!
For your convenience, this post contains affiliate links. If you purchase from these links I may make a small commission at no cost to you.
My absolute favorite creation was the mason jar centerpieces. The jars themselves were super cute and only required a few supplies! I loved them so much, I actually created 2 styles! I even made a tutorial that you can check out here!
I actually made 2 signs for the party. I didn’t get a shot of one, and only got this shot of the other. The other sign was a simple sign saying, “In a field of horses, be a unicorn.”
RELATED POST: Beauty and the Beast Birthday Party Ideas
The second was this adorable free printable! You can score your free copy here!

Free Believe in Unicorns Printable Sign
I used this sign with the frame I created for my back to school sign here. It sat on the gift talble between the chalkboards I created for the girls, and a super cute Unicorn head I picked up at Hobby Lobby.
I designed a digital chalkboard for both of my girls. I’ve done this every year since my oldest was born. It’s a bit tedious but I love having these to look back on. The image below is hers with information switched up. You can find these for sale in my Etsy shop.
I also made a banner to coordinate with the rest of the party supplies and invitations. I used the same graphics and theme and it turned out super cute! You can grab the free printable banner here.
And of course, on our last party supply run, my baby spotted this big ole’ unicorn head balloon and we added it to our other balloons!
You can find alot of great unicorn birthday party decorations on Amazon. Here’s a link to some I used, and some similar to ones I found.
Unicorn Birthday Party Favors
Party favors were something else I missed a shot of. I kept them pretty simple this year. I just bought a bunch of goodies off Amazon and stuffed them in a celephone bag tied with a ribbon. I did manage to create a SUPER CUTE tag for the favor bags that I’m sharing with you for free! You can grab it here.
I grabbed all of the favors off of Amazon. Here are some links to what we filled the bags with.
Unicorn Birthday Party SUCCESS!
Of all the parties we’ve done, this one has become my favorite. Maybe it’s because as a girl, I was horse and unicorn obsessed, just like my oldest. Or maybe it’s because it was just too much fun to create! Either way, this one is going down in the record books as my girls cutest birthday party ever!
Again, don’t forget to Pin this, so you can come back to it later!
And check out the rest of my party ideas and the tons of party ideas I’m pinning on Pinterest! Be sure to follow me!