Category Archives: Uncategorized

20 FREE SVGS for Dads!

The day of Dad’s is quickly approaching and everyone is searching for the perfect Father’s Day gift.  If you’re a DIY’r, like myself, you’re also looking for free Father’s Day SVGs.

So to help up both out, I’ve rounded up this list of 20 Free Father’s Day SVGs that Dad will love!

Virtually all these designs would look perfect on a t-shirt.  What Dad doesn’t love t-shirts?  He gets an instant wardrobe update, and who knows, maybe will even let you toss one of his other hole filled shirts!  It’s a win-win!

I’ll be making a few of these for the men in my life for sure!

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20 DIY Mother’s Day gifts Mom will LOVE!

I just looked at the calendar and imagine my surprise when I saw Mother’s day is NEXT weekend!  Eeeek!!

So I’m hopping off the teacher appreciation train, and getting ready for Mother’s Day.  I’ve got on super special Mom, and amazing Mother-in-law to shop for so I’ve got to get started.

Luckily, if there’s one thing Moms love, it’s a good DIY gift!  Seriously, I never knew my heart would melt into a puddle upon recieivng things like a paper mache flower pot.  But those little art projects are crafted with love, and nothing coule be more special.

And who knew it still works as an adult?  When I got my Silhouette and started creating, I of course showered my Mom with gifts.  She loves them and truly appreciates the time and love I put into every gift.

So while I’ll still be taking her out for a pedicure and lunch, I’ll also be giving her some goodies, I made, some of which I’m sharing with you today.  I’ve also rounded up some of the cutest Mother’s Day DIYs on Pinterest so you’ll have ideas for years to come!

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DIY Glitter Acrylic Keychain Tutorial

Years ago, I remember these cute little glitter acrylic keychains catching my eye at a craft show.  I sat there pondering how it was made and quickly did a little research.

From there, I found out where to purchase them and quickly started creating my own.  I’ve made a ton of different styles and colors!

Of course though, being the true teacher at heart, this one is my favorite! It’s a cute little design that looks perfect on a keychain!  When I return to teaching, I’ll be adding it to my classroom keys so that they won’t be easy to misplace on the playground!

Obviously, this makes an awesome teacher appreciation gift!  It’s why it rounded out some of the top picks in my DIY Teacher Appreciation gifts round-up.  It’s not super difficult to make either.  So to help you out, I’ve written a quick tutorial and provided a free SVG to get you started.

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20 Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas with FREE Printables!

As summer draws closer, parents everywhere are realized just how much they value their children’s teacher and what they do.

It is of course, the perfect time of year for Teacher Appreciation week!

Teachers are running on steam as the end of the year approaches.  They’ve worked hard all year long, and the end of the year struggle is real.  Big tests are looming in their future and in the future of their students, and it’s a very stressful time of year.  The perfect time to show them how very thankful for them you are!

I’ve already created a post of 20 awesome DIY Teacher Appreciation gifts, but let’s be real.  Not everyone has time to create their own teacher gifts.  Especially if you’re like me and try to send a sweet treat every day that week.

So the easier the better, and it doesn’t get much easier than slapping a free printable on a present and calling it a day!

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10 Practical Tips for taking Road trips with young kids

Taking a road trip with kids, is like trying to contain a small pack of Gremlins in a car.

It is no easy feat.

A lot of people hold off on travel until their children are bigger. Especially if it involves lots of time in the car. There are also those who believe that travel with young children is pointless, because they won’t remember it.

And it’s true they may not.

But they will experience the sights and sounds and they will absorb them. Those little brains of theirs are working on over-drive growing and developing! There is research that suggests that the right kind of experiences in our early years can help the brain to grow.

Additionally, the opportunities travel provides for language development and hands on learning are endless! Exposure to new places introduces new vocabulary and real world connections to that language.

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15 of the BEST places to visit in the Outer Banks

Summer is around the corner and families everywhere are on the prowl for the perfect vacation. If you’re like me, you have a certain type of trip in mind. You want a kid-friendly destination that provides unique opportunities to learn and explore. 

So let me tell you my friend, if it’s an adventure you’re after, the Outer Banks awaits!

Our friends like to joke about how my husband and I don’t vacation. There is not much room for chill when you travel with us. 

We both love to explore and learn, especially in places we haven’t seen. So I plan our trips around things to see and activities to do. When we are on vacation we are constantly on the go.

We put that adventurous spirit to use in our latest vacation. Our family spent 5 days traveling the coastline of the Outer Banks in North Carolina!  

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Sight Word Lesson Plans – Free Weekly Template

So you can use my free lists and play games all you want, but we both know, everything works better with a plan!

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been working hard on designing a sight word curriculum for my daughter that is both fun and interactive.   I dug into my vault of  teacher tricks and designed a 5 weeks worth of games and activities that will keep her engaged while also helping her learn her sight words.  I meticulously planned weeks worth of instruction she actually looks forward to!

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20 fun and unique ways to practice sight words

Sight word flashcards…bleh, right?

At some point in your life, you’re bound to have had an encounter with flash cards.  I mean, who didn’t have to endure the endless drill of them when learning their times tables years ago?

You likely don’t have the fondest of memories of them.  They are without a doubt boring.  But there is strong research to support the value of use of flashcards.

Research shows that flash cards improve both active recall and meta cognition.  This means that you actively monitor your own growth as you learn new words, and will remember them longer because of the strong connections you make with them.  This is why the importance of flash cards is emphasized  in my letter of the week series.  They will also be a crucial component in learning sight words.

Fun and Unique ways to practice sight words - race the clock - This Crafty Mom

Undoubtedly, there is a place for repetition.  I’m not going to  say you don’t need to routinely practice sight words in the plain old flashcard drill manner.

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The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Sight Words

Hopefully you’re joining my from my letter of the week, or print concepts series.  If so, you’re already well on your way to teaching your child to read!

But now, you’re probably thinking…

We get Print Concepts, we know our letters and sounds…Now What?

Truthfully, at this point it becomes somewhat of a juggling act. You need to balance sight words, high frequency words, phonemic blending, and reading strategies simultaneously. But today, we’re going to focus on one piece of that puzzle and tackle sight and high frequency words. We’ll come back to the other pieces soon.

To get you started, I’m sharing with you my 3 part series on the Ultimate Guide to Teaching Sight Words.  After 10 years in the classroom, my sight word teaching technique is practically down to a science.  And so, I’m unlocking the treasure chest for you!

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DIY Teacher Potholder

Today I’m sharing with you a quick and easy tutorial for one of my absolute favorite DIY teacher appreciation gifts!

You’ll be hard pressed to find a teacher who doesn’t have a sweet tooth, which makes the combination of cookie or brownie mix and this cute oven mitt absolutely perfect!

These are simple, sweet and so much fun!  I love them so much I created four different designs that can be used!  You’ll love them too, especially after seeing how easy they are!

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