The Ultimate Spelling Schedule for Beginning Readers

When we think of the alphabet, almost certainly the famous Alphabet song comes to mind. In fact, I’m just about willing to bet, it ran through your head just now (you’re welcome!).
Naturally most people assume that this is the correct order to introduce letters and for many years it was done just so.
However, as you probably are aware, just because we’ve always done something one way, doesn’t make it the right way.
There is tons of research that supports the fact that the order in which you introduce letters matters. Using the traditional ABC order can be confusing to some students.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the Polar Express train rides popping up all around the country around Christmas. There are a couple around here, but the one we’ve personally heard the one about most is the Great Smoky Railroad’s Polar Express in Bryson City North Carolina.
We’ve had several friends go and really enjoy it, so we were eager to take our two girls once the youngest was older (she’s now three). We did however, balk slightly at the price.
For our family of four, tickets alone were a bit over $200. That didn’t include the fact that we’d need to get a hotel, as the train station was over 4 hours away, and not an easy day trip with two kids.
But…as I’ve mentioned before I’m a former elementary school teacher. Chris Van Allsburg just happens to be my favorite children’s author and Polar Express one of my favorite books of his. I also enjoyed the movie and watch it every year with my girls, usually several times. So this was high on my list of things to experience with my family.
I managed to convince my husband it was worth the price and we booked our tickets in October. Despite my excitement over our adventure it remained to be seen if this pricey investment was truly worth the money.
Y’all, I wasn’t a girly girl growing up.
It’s hard to believe, but I was a rough and tumble, play in the mud, spend the day playing in a creek or in the barn kind of girl. I’d much rather play with dirt than dolls.
But when my daughters were born, that all changed. It’s like suddenly I had these tiny beautiful breathing baby dolls. It became my biological imperative to make them as cute as possible!
So in addition to buying waaaay too many baby clothes, I also started to rack up a small fortune in baby girl headbands. Particularly shabby chic headbands, because they are the CUTEST! I mean, I do live in the South after all. It’s in my DNA to love all things bows, monogram and Paula Dean.
However, I quickly came to realize that these adorable infant headbands would be really simple to make. I researched materials and learned that I could also get them super cheap. And so a new hobby was born!
All my life I’ve been an animal lover.
I was in fact raised by a family of animal lovers, and for most of my life we had a small farm filled with different types of animals.
We had everything from cats and dogs to horses and goats and sheep. We raised rabbits, chickens and other birds, even an iguana!
As an adult, I’ve kept my pet species list much shorter. So far we’ve stuck with dogs and cats. And so have most of the other people in my life. So while perusing Pinterest in search of ideas for gifts for friends and family, I made note of several I loved for myself, my pets, or someone equally as animal crazy.
I’ve rounded up all those ideas here in one handy gift guide that’s sure to make your holiday shopping a cinch!
When it comes to shopping for Moms and Grandmas, I have a pretty solid set of qualifications that make me an expert on gifts for the sort.
I mean, I am a Mom, and I have a Mom.
Could you get more qualified than that?
Still sometimes during the Christmas rush, I find myself scrambling at the last minute and racking my brain for new gifts I haven’t yet tried.
This year I’m all about supporting small business. I’ve spent more than my share of money on Amazon. I decided to head over to my favorite small business shopping spot (Etsy) and round up some of the most amazing gifts ideas for Moms and Grandma’s that I could find!
Ahhhh. The sights and sounds of Christmas are everywhere. Even as the last leaves fall to the ground, color and cheer can be found around every corner. Everything about Christmas is awesome, right?
Eh. Maybe not…
There’s nothing that can ruin that Hallmark perfect holiday picture in your mind quite like the stress of all that looming holiday shopping you have to do!
Some of those people, say your sister or your bestie, are a cinch to shop for but I’m willing to bet there are some folks on your Christmas list not so easy to please. For me those folks primarily consist of the opposite sex. In particular Dads and Grandpas.
I’ve grown tired of year after year last minute frantic shopping so I buckled down and did some research. I’ve spent the last few weeks working on a gift guide with tons of ideas of things I know the men in my life (and yours!) will love.
If you’ve found your way over to my little corner of the internet via this post you are probably one of two people.
You are either a stay at home or homeschooling parent who wants to teach your child to read or you are a teacher in search of resources.
Both of whom one might argue are overworked and underpaid. So you’re desperately in search of amazing plans laid out for your to lighten your workload at home and/or at school.
My oldest baby recently turned six y’all!
SIX big Whole years old!
She’s a bundle of fire and fierceness and knows who she is and what she wants so she’s made her Christmas wish list pretty clear this year.
After eating lunch with her little friends in the cafeteria, I can tell you she’s not alone in what she wants! So if you’re looking for Christmas gifts for a 6 year old, you’ve come to the right post!
I’ve got a ton of fun gift ideas – 6 year old approved – and a few educational ones you can sneak in that they are sure to love!
My littlest baby turned 3 just a bit ago and this year’s Christmas shopping is no easier than lasts! The 2nd child conundrum is real!
What do you get a kid whose big sibling has it all?
Luckily with a little time and research I’ve found a ton of ideas that hit all the primary categories of toddler gift giving! I’ve got most of these saved on a list on Amazon so next week when the holiday deals start, I’ll be prepared to snag everything on my list! Hopefully, this list also helps you to get started on yours!