We all know Halloween is candy overload! I mean, we usually end up with candy for MONTHS! Between school, trunk or treats and grandparents…these girls really rack up!
So this year, I was racking my brain for something non-candy, but fun to send for class treats. So I came up with this sweet little treat bag as an alternative to the typical candy. This may make a *tiny* dent in another kids stash, which is probably a good thing. Unless…you’re the type of parent who sneaks candy from the kids stash in the laundry room at night. *cough cough*
But seriously, if you want a non traditional treat to hand out at Halloween, or cute treat bag to send with the kiddos to school on Halloween then check out this witches brew treat bag. I plan to hand these out to my favorite trick or treaters and send them with my girls to preschool!

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