Now that Christmas is over, the stores are painted red. Everywhere you look, you’ll find a reminder that the day designated to love is upon us.
It’s a day where we show the people we care about that we love them by indulging them in sweets and cards. And even though, I try to share love year round, I love the idea behind this day.
Topping my list of loves of course are my kids and family. But also, the less suspected characters – my kid’s teachers. How could you NOT love the ladies (or gents) who teach and love your kids and give you a much deserved break from those sneaky devils sweet angels.
So you can be sure, we’ll be giving our teachers a token of our appreciation on Valentine’s Day. To help prevent the last minute scramble, I’ve rounded up this list of 15 simply sweet Valentine’s gift ideas for teachers

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Here are 15 adorable Valentine’s gift ideas teachers are sure to love!
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue
As always, I’m kicking it off with my own. This year I’m trying to keep it simple. I designed a cute poem printable that can accompany any gift.
For this year’s gift, I hit the Dollar Spot in Target where I scored these adorable tin cups for $1!! I found theses tasty looking heart shaped treats at Walmart. Not sure what’s they tasty like, but they are some kind of crispy treat coated in chocolate, so I’m sure it’s delicious! I also stuffed the bottom of the cup with Hershey’s heart shaped candies.
The soap bottle is a DIY project of mine. I also made some really cute ones for Halloween. They are incredibly easy! Check out my tutorial and create one for yourself!
This whole sweet little basket set-up cost me about $5. While I wish I could send each of my kid’s teachers flowers or some grand gesture of appreciation, I have to settle for treats that don’t break the bank.
You can grab my free printable here.
2. I was Soap’n you’d Be Mine
How cute and simple is this gift idea? Amidst germ season, it’s a gift sure to be appreciated by teachers!
3. Thanks for Putting your Heart into Teaching
I used to hide candy jars like this in my desk at school, and sneak one during planning or lunch to “de-stress.” I called it my daily “therapy.” You can’t lose with this one!
4. Shooting for Brownie Points
This is a cute take on the Christmas oven mitt gifts – just without the mitt.
5. Your Love Helps me Grow
I love this cute candy alternative! As someone lacking a green thumb, I know succulents are one of the easiest plants to care for too!
5. You’re the Balm
This is another easy gift idea that will be much appreciated on those cold days at recess!
6. Cootie-Free Valentine’s Day
Another cute idea for soap or hand sanitizer, that can also help fight the war on germs in the classroom!
7. You Mocha me Very Happy
These cute printables are adorable and practical! Even non-coffee drinkers like myself like to indulge in a hot cocoa from Starbucks!
8. Hug in a Mug
This one is one of my favorites! How precious is this?!
9. You’re Just Write for Me
Teachers are always looking for pens and pencils…it comes with the job. So this cute gift will be much appreciated!
10. Bee my Valentine
Another great idea with chapstick!
11. I Hit the Jackpot
Super cute gift that would work for many holidays!
12. Looking Sharp Valentine!
Yet another practical gift teachers will love!
13. You’re Toe-tally Awesome!
This is another super cute idea! Personally, one of my favs!
14. You’re Chalk-ful of Awesome!
These chalk markers are the things teacher’s dreams are made of! This idea is too cute!
15. You’re a Sweet Teacher
Who wouldn’t love this sweet gift?
Like these ideas? Don’t forget to check out my Ultimate List of Teacher Gift Ideas for gifts for every holiday!
And be sure to follow me on Pinterest to see even more gift ideas as I discover them!
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